Episode 1: A behind-the-scenes look at how pretzels remain a part of the party mix.
The average person needs 1/2 cup of water per pretzel is the issue; and those people that eat them are those who have felt the angst of being shunned at parties themselves, it is an empathetic act. These pretzels are makin’ me thirsty.
Well put, Robbie. Maybe pretzels remain as a way of teaching everyone to be more inclusive of others despite an overall undesirable-ness.
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The average person needs 1/2 cup of water per pretzel is the issue; and those people that eat them are those who have felt the angst of being shunned at parties themselves, it is an empathetic act. These pretzels are makin’ me thirsty.
Well put, Robbie. Maybe pretzels remain as a way of teaching everyone to be more inclusive of others despite an overall undesirable-ness.