If Roads Were Like Bike Lanes
For those brief moments that you happen to be in a bike lane, biking in the city is wonderful. But it always seems that bike lanes end before they even begin, just like a summer romance or a slice of pizza. At least that’s what it’s like in Toronto.
This is really poorly worded and illustrated.
You’re really poorly worded and illustrated.
Troll harder, son.
Sadly, this is so true in too many cities. Critical Comments has probably never bike commuted, or the point would be immediately obvious.
I’m always very pleasantly surprised when I ride in Montreal or Minneapolis or Vancouver and the bike lanes continue through the busy intersections where they are needed most – and automobile operators actually respect them!
I come to Montreal about once a month and I love the consistent bike lanes and overall pervasiveness of them.
Separating cars and bikes makes things a lot easier for both cyclists and drivers. Just ignoring the increase in bike traffic is foolish.
You absolutely nailed it!!!!
This is really an illustration that is better titled as “If roads WITHOUT INTERSECTIONS were like bike lanes.”
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gold. GOLD
Estaba buscando esa informacion hace ciclo, te lo agradezco, estoy de convenio con tu punto de vista y
alimento igual. Despues de buscar mucho por Internet encontre
lo que buscaba. Genial!!! muchas gracias
Ɍówniez dla farmerów udzielane sa odgrodzenia PCV.
Seperti kata pepatah, malu bertanya sesat dijalan.
Thanks for finally writing about >Steve Patrick Adams –
Comedian | If Roars Were Like Bike Lanes <Loved it!